Hello! I am Khaled Mohammed Saifuddin. I am perusing PhD in Computer Science at OSU. I am one of the Research Assistants and Lab members of Dr. Esra Akbas’s Data Engineering Lab. I completed Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh.
My research areas are machine learning, data mining and graph mining. Particularly, I am working on Healthcare related Big Dataset to discover some valuable insights and patterns. My research area also covers Natural Language Processing and Social Media Network Analysis. Currently, I am working on Pharmacovigilance study of opioid drugs and opportunities of using automation techniques in this field.
I have more than one-year job experience as a Lecturer of Computer Science and Engineering at Premier University, Bangladesh.
My linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khaled-mohammed-saifuddin-3aaba9138/
My portfolio: https://khaledmohammedsaifuddin.github.io/Profile/